..to start off the week, and to continue the “fishy” financial district series, here’s the American International Building, owned of the AIG Insurance company.. i kept the liquor sign there for a reason.. according to gawker.com:
“Vodka and scotch sales are up, there’s no question about that,†said Chris Adams, executive vice president of Sherry-Lehmann Wines & Spirits, on 59th Street. He says that traffic in his store has increased this month—over the counter sales are up 23%, and delivery volume is up about 18%, compared to last year.
i posted something about this building a few weeks ago.. this perspective i think is to give you a sense of ‘being there’.. and for more, here’s an excerpt from nyc-architecture.com:
Built in 1930-1932 for the Cities Service Company.
This 289.5-metre, Gothic-like, spire-topped skyscraper was the tallest building in the Downtown area until the completion of the World Trade Center. It also was to be the last skyscraper to be built in Financial District in the pre-WW II years. It took until 1961 that another tall skyscraper rose to the area, in the form of the Chase Manhattan Bank.
..which i think will be tomorrow’s post..
25 replies on “AIG.. augh..”
Great angle and focal, nice red tones
I like the red color of the buildings … they look better in some way
Good call to capture the liquor sign, looks like alot of people either need some or had too much given the current climate on Wall Street. I am enjoying your series.
Outstanding perspective, like all the signs and the angle of the buildings. The tones really create a great composition in this image. Very well done!
one way 2 way pine way pearl way.. there is only one way that makes sense to me here – the liquor way! I’m a man of simple tastes
nice perspective. It does look very much like one being at the scene!
Amazing view and treatment for a common subject. Thankls
Very, very cool angle on this shot…interesting processing as well. I love architecture. Vodka and scotch sales are up…yeah, I bet they are.
Great choice of angle!
Well that’s definetely not a remake of 1929: nobody is jumping out of their office. They prefer buy some liquor and try to forget the crisis, waiting for better times
Very interesting processing as well…
Cool picture!
waow…interesting angle and good tone colour. Regards from Yogyakarta Indonesia.
great negative space with that sky. nice choices.
Great perspective and angle – love the mad lines going in everywhere
Of course, this is a very interesting take and the story for this photo is also mesmerizing. Great job with the angles again Rian.
The toning made this image very unique! Good thing AIG got bailed out although it’s gonna hurt the taxpayers… That or another depression such as the 1930’s. Good thing you didn’t see people jumping out from the buildings!
bien utilizado este angular!! y muy buena la composición.
Awesome angle! Really great shot!
Very pink but very nice
My favorite part of this are the street signs on the pole. Nice capture…straight up.
Awesome perspective, story and photo. Pick me up a bottle of Crown Royal if you don’t mind.
Nice used of the wide angle
great perspective Rian. it does make me feel i’m there too.
Amazing view and nice red tone!
Beautiful shot!
Amazing shot!:)