Time to crank up on study for me! Midterms coming up! This shot is nice on the motion, passers come by quickly and with a blink of an eye, they vanish into thin air! Great shot!
Great sensation of moviment. I love these colours.
slow shutter speeds down? cool shot man!! i dig it
These shots are fun and interesting. Zoom Zoom
A strong image with the blurred shadows of people passing by. To me, this speaks to the nameless, voiceless hordes that roam our streets (me included! I like this very much.
Love the “smear” of color and shape across the frame…
Well Rian, you certainly are good at choosing interesting themes and series. Nicely done!
Can you get me a hod dog while youre wiaintg, I have heard some rumers about them.. or are they not the right kind?
Nice capture of motion along with stills. Looks like two of the “blurs” them are holding hands , cool.
many interesting details in this – especially like the writing on the windows or walls across the street.
I couldn’t help notice how this image could be titled “Digitized Chaos”:-) I like it.
Really neat shot, the sense of movement works brilliantly. We are an observer, watching and waiting as the world goes by. Superb
Love the blur, cool shot!
Really like the how the blurs dash from side to side.
13 replies on “passing strange: fifth avenue 04”
Time to crank up on study for me! Midterms coming up! This shot is nice on the motion, passers come by quickly and with a blink of an eye, they vanish into thin air! Great shot!
Great sensation of moviment. I love these colours.
slow shutter speeds down? cool shot man!! i dig it
These shots are fun and interesting. Zoom Zoom
A strong image with the blurred shadows of people passing by. To me, this speaks to the nameless, voiceless hordes that roam our streets (me included!
I like this very much.
Love the “smear” of color and shape across the frame…
Well Rian, you certainly are good at choosing interesting themes and series. Nicely done!
Can you get me a hod dog while youre wiaintg, I have heard some rumers about them.. or are they not the right kind?
Nice capture of motion along with stills. Looks like two of the “blurs” them are holding hands , cool.
many interesting details in this – especially like the writing on the windows or walls across the street.
I couldn’t help notice how this image could be titled “Digitized Chaos”:-) I like it.
Really neat shot, the sense of movement works brilliantly. We are an observer, watching and waiting as the world goes by. Superb
Love the blur, cool shot!
Really like the how the blurs dash from side to side.