..this here’s 432 broome street (as seen from google street view).. i’ve passed this place multiple times and often see bustling activity going on inside, however, this time, the door was closed and the mural looked good, so i snapped away.. as it turns out (according to google), this establishment is owned by Josh Hadar of Hadar Metal Designs.. and they make pretty wicked bikes.. check it out here..
24 replies on “hadar”
Looks kinda dangerous, but I’m guessing looks are deceiving from your description.
That gate and mural really go well together. No wonder that guy is screaming. Fun fun/capture.
This is really cool. The pattern on the gate really makes it seem like the guy is busting right through it. Worth the wait.
Very energetic, cool find!
Bonito detalle. Me gusta la imagen superpuesta de la reja y el cartel con el hombre. Buen trabajo y muy bien visto. Saludos.
THAT is the coolest door i have ever seen!!!! thanks for sharing budddddy… great shot!!!
Man, that gate *is* awesome, but I can’t imagine opening the bloomin’ thing without poking my eye out! Cool spectacle tho!!
If the door art is any indication of attitude, I’m sure this guy is not someone you want to piss off. Very cool shot!
Love the gate and art behind it especially in combination and with the colors of the wall. Nice, strong composition!
A wonderful “find” to notice and shoot. The gate makes a fine screen for the art work/graffiti. Nice shot.
Energetic and really cool, Rain!
that there is sweet! love the interaction of the painting and the metal gate. awesome! perfect crop/angle to show it too.
That is really neat looking…great fun shot! It looks as if the gate is containing him!
Wow cool shot. I really like the colorful painting with the cold metal frame on top of it!
a match made in metal heaven! well seen.
Nice capture!
That is wicked man! That is one cool design on that gate and that is me before I have my coffee in the morning.
Nice contemporer art…// I love it…this foto // Regards from Yogyakarta City / Indonesia //
Wicked looking door/gate… great shot, love it!
Love this subject, almost conceptual. The graph protected… Excellent processing of the grid.
Fine capture of this piece of street art.
Very cool shot, and the bikes are great too.
very artistic.. with a hint of danger! I like where you hang out
some cool bikes man!
cool graphic!