HDR Landscape Photos

flatt’s inlet

..i remember the wind blowing so hard that water was churning under flatt’s bridge (it’s somewhere in the left part of the frame, i think i’ll post another one later..) and through the inlet pretty hard while i took this..

..we were figuring out how to get to the crystal caves.. it was a long walk, good thing the friendly locals pointed us to the right direction.. ride a bus.. 😀

28 replies on “flatt’s inlet”

This is a very attractive looking place. The water does look agitated from the wind. I looked for a flag to see what direction the wind was blowing but couldn’t spot on. Nice shot.

so want to go here after seeing your shots. such great colors all over. white houses, blue sea, greens and teals. man. love these two boats. so cool that one is green and one is blue.

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