Indoor Photos Sculptures


..i make it a point to take note of what i’m taking a shot of, be it a location or an object.. i think i failed this time, all i know is that this is in the ‘european sculpture & decorative arts’ section of the met..


based on a hint by Chris, i was able to gather this information below from The Met’s site.. thanks, Chris! 🙂

Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons
Roman, Late Imperial, Gallienic, ca. A.D. 260–270
Overall: 34 x 85 x 36 1/4 in. (86.4 x 215.9 x 92.1 cm)
Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1955 (55.11.5)

14 replies on “crowded”

The artist really tried to include everything, didn’t they? Your image is soft and in the greyscale the shadows and lines are pronounced nicely.

This is the King Dionysus and the Four Seasons.A Greek ancient God…also known as Bacchus …lool….wine and good times.He was the son of Zeus…the larger figures around him are the four seasons.Really cool…where did you photographed this?

thanks chris! i was able to gather more information and updated today’s post because of your comment.. 😀 i got this from the metropolitan museum of art in nyc..

going backwards here to catch up and i really enjoy the contrast between this image and the one after it – the crowd here and then the empty chairs and table in the next one. very well done.

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