macro Nature Photos things

fishkill redux

..just like monday, two weeks ago..

Black n White People Photos

creature of leisure

Lowlight Photos Urban


..the Magics lost.. *ugh*

Black n White People Photos street

new breed

Fear Factory – New Breed

[audio: Factory – New Breed.mp3]
Landscape Photos things

loner oil rig in the gulf of mexico..

Architecture Lowlight Nightscape Photos street Urban


..same place where i got this..

Nature Photos

dune hair

Landscape Nature Photos

pier to ∞

HDR Photos Urban

big thunder redux

..same place where i got this..

Nature Photos

round table

..lounging around under a tree and saw this group of flowers illuminated by a ray of sunlight, hence the natural vignetting..

Critters macro Nature Photos

it’s time

..come out and play, it’s the weekend..

Photos things Urban

teddy needs a home

Critters Nature Photos

franklin’s gull that’s streamlined..

The Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) is a small gull. It breeds in central provinces of Canada and adjacent states of the northern USA. It is migratory, wintering in the Caribbean, Peru, Chile, and Argentina.
This species is easy to identify. The summer adult’s body is white and its back and wings are much darker grey than all other gulls of similar size except the larger Laughing Gull. The wings have black tips with an adjacent white band. The bill and legs are red. The black hood of the breeding adult is mostly lost in winter.
Architecture Nightscape Photos street Urban


Nature Photos


People Photos

beauty & brawns’s summer again..

Critters macro Nature Photos


..that’s what i think his hairy mug was saying when i snapped him here..’s a bonus..

Architecture Fisheye Photos street Urban


Landscape Nature Photos


..California mountains, shot from Griffith Park Observatory..

Landscape People Photos street

my little world

..of all the “under the pier” shot’s i got, i liked this one the most.. and it’s not like i planned on taking it, it sorta just happened.. we were just taking a break from walking around in the sun and saw this kid running back and forth so i just waited for him to come back and *snap*..

..i’m not satisfied with this version though, that’s why i have it in mono too.. check it out and tell me how you feel about it.. 😉

Nature Photos


..rules are meant to be broken, this framing worked for me.. 🙂

Black n White Landscape People Photos


..wifey walking along Dauphin Island beach, taken the week before the booms were put in place around the island..

Nature People Photos street

homework beside a lake can be very nice..

Architecture Black n White Fisheye HDR Photos Urban

42nd & 2dor

Photos things transportation

1-2-3’s that for a title? 🙂 this’ll be the last image of the series, i’ll be dumping the rest in flickr..

People Photos things transportation

Section High Alpha

..that’s a pretty cool name for this maneuver..

Blue Angels aircraft perform the “Section High Alpha”, the slowest maneuver of their show. During the maneuver the two jets slow down to 125 knots (232 km/h) as they pitch the nose of the F/A-18 up to 45 degrees.’s a close-up to see how the pilots are looking at each other eye-to-eye while doing this maneuver..

Section High Alpha

Photos things transportation

tag along

..from this angle, the small distance that they have from one another is somewhat exaggerated..

Photos things transportation


..the good thing about shooting practice sessions is the higher probability of them repeating the same trick they performed a few minutes ago..

On August 25, 1946 the Blue Angels switched to the Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat and introduced the famous “diamond” formation at the World Air Carnival in Birmingham, Alabama. (wiki)

Photos things transportation

Frank Weisser

..last week’s mini series was about birds, let’s start off this week with a different kind of bird, here’s Lt. Cmdr. Frank Weisser’s Blue Angel # 5..

The United States Navy’s Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, popularly known as the Blue Angels, first performed in 1946 and is currently the oldest flying aerobatic team. The squadron’s six demonstration pilots fly the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet in more than 70 shows at 34 locations throughout the United States each year, where they still employ many of the same practices and techniques used in their aerial displays in 1946. Since their inception, the “Blues” have flown a variety of different aircraft types for more than 427 million spectators worldwide.

Architecture Photos things Urban

parachute jump

The Parachute Jump is a defunct amusement ride in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, whose iconic open-frame steel structure remains a Brooklyn landmark. 262 feet (80 m) tall and weighing 170 tons (150 tonnes), it has been called the “Eiffel Tower of Brooklyn”. It was built for the 1939 New York World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, and moved to its current site, then part of the Steeplechase Park amusement park, in 1941. It is the only portion of Steeplechase Park still standing today. The ride ceased operations in 1968. The ride was based on functional parachutes which were held open by metal rings throughout the ascent and descent. Twelve cantilevered steel arms sprout from the top of the tower, each of which supported a parachute attached to a lift rope and a set of surrounding guide cables. Riders were belted into a two-person canvas seat hanging below the closed chute, then hoisted to the top, where a release mechanism would drop them, the descent slowed only by the parachute. Shock absorbers at the bottom, consisting of pole-mounted springs, cushioned the landing. Each parachute required three cable operators, keeping labor expenses high.

Architecture HDR Photos Urban

trinity totem

..a graveyard headstone (or sculpture?) for four people (Jesse Isaac Enoch, David Jacob Noah, ?, ?) that looks like a totem pole..