Categories Fisheye HDR Nature Photos geo-etched Post author By Rian Post date July 24, 2012 11 Comments on geo-etched ..looking closely at the details on the walls of this cave.. Tags Alabama, Natural Bridge ← dubious → good vs bad 11 replies on “geo-etched” wow, very creative look totally amazing photograph!! i would print it on a tiny circle and hang it from my neck haha! thanks, but no thanks.. Great abstract, I love what the fish-eye does. How many shots do you take for the HDR? la terre comme une feuille morte. Beau travail de post-processing It’s almost like you can trace the pre-history with your finger, Rian. Beautiful! What a nice natural pattern! Really intriguing fish-eye shot–excellent! Your creativity is on a roll… I love your take on the weathering effect in this cave. Moleman goes exploring in nature! Apir! I like this shot! nature’s wonders wow, very different scene for this lens. it’s stunning. Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Your creativity is on a roll… I love your take on the weathering effect in this cave. Moleman goes exploring in nature!
11 replies on “geo-etched”
wow, very creative look
totally amazing photograph!! i would print it on a tiny circle and hang it from my neck
haha! thanks, but no thanks..
Great abstract, I love what the fish-eye does. How many shots do you take for the HDR?
la terre comme une feuille morte. Beau travail de post-processing
It’s almost like you can trace the pre-history with your finger, Rian. Beautiful!
What a nice natural pattern!
Really intriguing fish-eye shot–excellent!
Your creativity is on a roll… I love your take on the weathering effect in this cave. Moleman goes exploring in nature!
Apir! I like this shot! nature’s wonders
wow, very different scene for this lens. it’s stunning.