Categories Black n White Lowlight Photos street Urban winter farewell Post author By Rian Post date February 28, 2014 2 Comments on winter farewell … Tags Alabama, snow, Vestavia Hills, winter ← racy → safe travels 2 replies on “winter farewell” joli coeur Here, finally the sun returned. Today, in my lunch hour, i spent by the beach, and i counted 16 people soaking up the sun. Probably they would be tourists. Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Here, finally the sun returned. Today, in my lunch hour, i spent by the beach, and i counted 16 people soaking up the sun. Probably they would be tourists.
2 replies on “winter farewell”
joli coeur
Here, finally the sun returned.

Today, in my lunch hour, i spent by the beach, and i counted 16 people soaking up the sun. Probably they would be tourists.