..we chanced upon this baby bird flitting from branch to branch while we were taking a walk.. i happened to have my nifty 500 with me so i snapped away, this was what i ended with..
..and yes, i carry around a heavy camera with me when i walk.. it’s like walking with free weights..
16 replies on “bird bokeh”
Gorgeous. It is like Bird in Full Moon.
Truly excellent bokeh! Lovely shot!
excellent shot
Good morning, perfect world, I’m fine!
HA! I do the same thing, Rian, and hold the lens in my arm like a baby.
Sweet, sweet little birdie.
Très belle composition, compliments elle fait bien son petit effet…
Great one, is’t almost like shot in a studio. Very good
Perfectly framed in the bokeh. Do you hand hold the camera for these shots? Good for you getting your weight training in by carrying camera!
A love this coloration!
a nice little glow!
Your photograph is impressive! Love the framing of the soft light behind. Equally impressive is that you carry a big telephoto with you… you have muscles and determination :^)
1/125th at 500 mm. Looks like you carry a heavy tripod too! If not, that is one epic handheld. Crystal clear. Wonderful.
Beautiful picture ! I love the bokeh circle just behind.
What a lovely little bird. I love the bokeh.
Nice composition
This is a brilliant composition with excellent technical execution.