..compared to the “instant gratification” of digital, i kind of like the “waiting period” that goes along with shooting this medium, but it can get pricey.. it got me thinking about me wasting film on my gramps camera and not hearing any complaints from him after getting them from the lab..
20 replies on “ride”
Excellent capture!
cool – the extra lines in the top right make the image complete !
Geniale Aufnahme.
that’s a lot of speed. nice control.
Is excellent.
And knowing that was made on film, more recognition and admiration i give to you.
Beautifully framed. Great capture and a wonderful photo.
Great BW. Again, love the blown out highlights. Interesting that you no longer have image exif if you do not remember to journal.
A fine creative image which is very impressive. I like gramp’s approach of encouraging you to take more pictures as a way to learn and become better. I think that’s the philosophy of our little photo group which is always complimentary and encouraging.
Wow… du plus bel effet . Bien vu)
perfectly captured image
I love this, what a great subject, hours of fun
fantastic, a favorite one
I remember those days, looking at all those slides on the light table, and tossing out most of them! Yikes. I love this spinning top, and commendable execution on film! It is one humdinger of a fair shot!
Wow, this image really came out very nice! Makes me think to try and shoot film again
This is very cool. Film is pricey. My attitude is that digital is to film as CDs were to vinyl. I embraced them both and never looked back.
Another excellent image. Pure motion! You had a wonderful grandfather.
Now this is awesome! 2001 A Space Odyssey!
Beautiful pictures on your blog…
This is very creative. Excellent work.
Good week…
Excellent! The long exposure and the BW work together well here! Perfect!
Have a nice day.
Great picture. Very creative. Like how you are playing with the speed.
Haven’t been around for a while! Still doing well here! Keep it up!