Architecture Photos Urban

great stone church felt like i was in the middle east or something when i turned around the corner and saw this..

Begun in 1797, the church took nine years to build. On the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 1812, an earthquake struck during morning Mass. The walls crumbled and the domes caved in, killing 40 Indian worshippers. The church was never rebuilt. A stabilization project was completed in 2004.

9 replies on “great stone church”

funny you say that, cuz I immiediately thought JORDAN or something when this came up on screen. Funny enough, the palm trees is what convinced me that this wasnt in fact middle east. CAll me a palm tree geek, but the palm trees in the middle east are a bit different than the ones in LA. 😉

No kidding! The ancient stone church, the crisp blue sky, the arid Mediterranean look aided by the palm trees really does give your image a Middle Eastern feel. Cool shot! I wonder where the swallows are?

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