..scenic drive along monterey, you have to pay for it though.. that’s the part i didn’t like..
..scenic drive along monterey, you have to pay for it though.. that’s the part i didn’t like..
..i finally ran out of titles..
..oh, and yesterday’s post was wifey’s shot.. 🙂
..piss drunk, face down on the pavement..
..gotta love that view..
..if this weekend’s feeling kinda slow and you’ve got nothing better to do but surf the web and look at great photos, check out this list of photoblogs listing their best of 2010 posts over at JMG Galleries.. yeah, you can find me there too.. 🙂
..yeah, i know.. my front element was dirty.. ;D
..well, didn’t have much to shoot here on new year’s eve, so here’s some bright, cheery lights.. happy new year y’all.. looking back on 2010, i’ve created a “best of 2010” page.. check it out..