..i did have a good seat when watching this event, too bad there was a big head blocking the view, so i just stood at the back of the crowd and snapped away.. i was lucky enough to get some eye contact from some of the dancers..
..view this in mono..
15 replies on “tap tap tap”
yeah, that’s not bad. great shot. i’m struck again by how tensed up her muscles are. dance looks so easy and graceful. it’s funny to realize how much work probably goes into it.
she probably thought “hey the guy with the big camera, i’m going to face him more so he can take a great pic of me…” and she was right! =D
Yep, I agree. Nice photo and it’s all about the eye contact
Cool shot Rian! I like the strength your have captured…detailing the muscles in her arm. Her hair caught in mid air and expression make this great!
GREAT shot . I love this capture of pretty girl , dancing … dancing what ?? She looks like a professional
Perfectly timed with the eye contact, nice one!
Nice moment and expression. Synchronized click and look
A fine shot of this performer. I like her eye contact and the dynamic feel of the shot. Very well done.
Very nice, great eyecontact and in the middle of a step… great action
hey cool she’s looking right at yer!! great shot rian!!
You caught a wonderful moment – one can almost imagine the dance from that one pose.
All of that energy and she’s obviously enjoying every minute of it and has time to pose for you. She must be a born entertainer. Really nice portrait.
Nice action shot. Excellent timing.
“Big head blocking the view”… shocking!
Great timing! She loves the camera.