Tag: Blue Angels
..i just saw the mythbuster episode where adam savage rode the blue angel jet in preparation for an experiment they’re doing, so i decided to post this in mono..
blue angels 65
..how cool would it be if there were a blue angel 9 and it took the 5 position? 😀
..how’s that for a title? 🙂 this’ll be the last image of the series, i’ll be dumping the rest in flickr..
Section High Alpha
..that’s a pretty cool name for this maneuver..
Blue Angels aircraft perform the “Section High Alpha”, the slowest maneuver of their show. During the maneuver the two jets slow down to 125 knots (232 km/h) as they pitch the nose of the F/A-18 up to 45 degrees.
..here’s a close-up to see how the pilots are looking at each other eye-to-eye while doing this maneuver..
tag along
..from this angle, the small distance that they have from one another is somewhat exaggerated..
..the good thing about shooting practice sessions is the higher probability of them repeating the same trick they performed a few minutes ago..
On August 25, 1946 the Blue Angels switched to the Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat and introduced the famous “diamond” formation at the World Air Carnival in Birmingham, Alabama. (wiki)
Frank Weisser
..last week’s mini series was about birds, let’s start off this week with a different kind of bird, here’s Lt. Cmdr. Frank Weisser’s Blue Angel # 5..
The United States Navy’s Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, popularly known as the Blue Angels, first performed in 1946 and is currently the oldest flying aerobatic team. The squadron’s six demonstration pilots fly the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet in more than 70 shows at 34 locations throughout the United States each year, where they still employ many of the same practices and techniques used in their aerial displays in 1946. Since their inception, the “Blues” have flown a variety of different aircraft types for more than 427 million spectators worldwide.