Black n White Indoor Lowlight People Photos street transportation Urban

pin the hat 4

..and this concludes this mini-series, i was able to get the hat on someone (there’s actually 2 of them) after a few more tries before the train arrived..

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Black n White People Photos street transportation Urban

pin the hat 3

..well, not much luck here again.. maybe on the next try..

*the  borders you see here are from the steel pillars (i dunno what they’re called) in the subway.. i chose to include them in the shot..

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Black n White Photos street transportation Urban

pin the hat 2

..didn’t quite hit it this time..

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Black n White Indoor Lowlight People Photos street Urban

pin the hat

..back to people shots, these next series of shots were taken while waiting for the next train, i played a li’l game called pin the hat on the peeps..

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