..and of course i heard about the US Airways crash in NYC.. of the eight flights i took, four of them were US Airways planes inbound/outbound of NYC.. eek!
..walking around the parish of St. George, here’s the Globe Hotel, which isn’t a hotel but is in fact a museum..
..another thing that i liked about Bermuda are the pastel-colored houses and structures.. they’re cute..
Bermuda National Trust Museum in the Globe Hotel
It was built by Governor Samuel Day c. 1700, on Government land using Government slaves and materials. When his administration ended he claimed it for his own, and a long court case began. Before its conclusion, however, Governor Day died in prison and never learned that his audacious claim had been successful.
During the American Civil War the Confederate agent, Major Norman Walker, had his office here, so it is the appropriate location for the ‘Rogues & Runners – Bermuda and the American Civil War’ exhibition.
..following Elaine‘s advise, I subtly HDR’d this 2-image pano..