..why not take the stairs once in a while..
..view this in mono..
..why not take the stairs once in a while..
..view this in mono..
..it seems i’ve freaked out some of you out there so let’s get back to the usual stuff here.. 😀
..view this in mono..
..yesterday and today’s image got me thinking about a new theme that’s cold and metallic.. let’s see how long i can keep this up..
..this here’s taken while i was rummaging the trash for foodies, i’m a freegan.. didn’t you know that? hehe..
..boston’s subway, the oldest subway in america..
..well what do you know, it works! haha..
..taken a year ago this day at the union square subway station.. japanese tapdancers.. that’s what this post’s title is.. tapdancer.. (i’m not sure if it comes out on your system right.. it’s in katakana).. same place where i shot this..
..i’m in a trippy mood..how cool is it to have trains buzzing by the walls..
Choo.. choo..
For every yin, there’s a yang. Somehow I got lost yesterday but I got to see this station at F’s York Street. The stark blue steel foundations against the drab station literally screamed at me to take it’s picture. Though I was a bit tentative setting up the tripod because of the heightened paranoia caused by the bombing at Times Square, I was lucky to get off a few shots. 🙂